Canon EOS 5D Shutter Click
Distinctive shutter sound of a Canon EOS 5D at its fast shutter speed setting, recorded with TASCAM DR-40X
Nature's Whispering Focus Clicks
Camera focusing servo motor, recorded by Zoom H6 audio recorder at an open park
Retro Metallic Shutter Click
Click of a vintage film camera shutter with metallic overtones, processed through Logic Pro with replica plugin
Nostalgic Camera Shutter Click
Clicking of vintage camera shutter, Sony PCM-M10, clean capture with slight mechanical reverb
SLR Mirror Click Symphony
Solid mechanical click of an SLR mirror and shutter curtain opening and closing, captured with an Olympus LS-10
Digital Camera Soundscape Transition
Overlay of various digital camera sounds composed for transition in post-production, processed in Cubase using VST synthesizers.
Rapid Mechanical Shutter Snap
Fast mechanical shutter click, captured with a SONY STEREO DICTAPHONE