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Answers to questions you might have about InfinitySFX.

What does InfinitySFX do?

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Infinity SFX is a curation tool for finding the perfect SFX (or generate them) based on an image, a video or a text prompt. It is a based on a database of millions of Sound Effects, all well linked to their source and respecting attribution.

For hard to find sound effects, we have fine-tuned a model for SFX afficionados, only based on Free Sounds.

Who is InfinitySFX  for?

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InfinitySFX is for perfectionnists audio professionnals with deadline. It helps accurately find royalty-free sound effects for their compositions.

Is it really royalty-free ?

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Yes ! Unless stated otherwise we always give you full-fledged free of rights audio pieces, that you can integrate seamlessly within your app, your game, your movie, you name it !

Can Infinity SFX integrate with existing tools?

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Yes ! Contact us regarding integrations. For Entreprise customers, we also offer API access !

Do you have a Free plan ?

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Yes ! Just Sign Up and enjoy our tool with some free credits.

What AI-Generation technology do you use ?

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For AI sound generation, we use Stable-Audio Open, fine-tuned on a set of sound effects either produced by us or from a legitimate source.

How do you organise your Sound-Database Retrieval ?

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Our search technology is built upon Qdrant for vector Storage and a fine-tuned version of CLAP embedders, enabling fine-grained search of audio titles within vast ensemble of sounds (and even subsounds).

Find the Perfect Sound Effect.
Or Generate it.

Get Started for free