Urban Roar of Speed
Roaring exhaust enhanced by speed and traffic surroundings, extracted during an urban drive on Mercedes Alpha Dot AMG by Tascam 40.
Abrupt Asphalt Brake Screech
Sharp screeching noise of a car braking abruptly on asphalt, recorded at Atlanta Motor Speedway with an Audio-Technica AT875R shot gun microphone.
Brooklyn Bridge Sports Car Whirl
Whirl of a sports car zooming past a highway, recorded under Brooklyn Bridge using a SENNHEISER 421-II
Metallic Synth Honk
Sudden honk with metallic resonance, processed in Rekkerd.org’s Surge Synthesizer
Urban Horn Symphony
Continuous horn blaring, Chrysler 300C, recorded from a rooftop in Manhattan using a Rode VideoMic Pro
Brooklyn Car Door Crunch
Crunch of a car door opening and closing, followed by the rustle of a layered seat fabric captured in Brooklyn with Rode NTG2
Aerodynamic Wind Rush Sound
Wind noise generated by a speeding car captured from Auto Club Speedway during a test run, Crisp and aerodynamic sonic rush recorded with Rode NTR ribbon mic
Vintage Car Crank Start Sound
Start-up sound of a vintage car engine with manual starter crank, recorded using RODE NT1 (L & R), Queens, New York
Revving Yamaha Ignition Roar
Associated sound of car ignition starting and being gently revved, Yamaha M 95 mics
Sedan on Rocky Road Rumble
Approaching sound of a sedan on a rocky road, captured with a Zoom F8