Ethereal Synth Drone Ambience
Ominous undertone drone created with a combination of synthesizers in Ableton, perfect for an otherworldly atmosphere
Crow's Night Wing Whisper
Wing flutter of a crow combined with a night wind effect, produced using Logic Pro’s sampler
Metallic Sinister Drone Sound
A sinister drone with metallic undertones created with the Harmor synth plugin in FL Studio
Granular Chime Descent Loop
Eerie, descending chime effect crafted with granular synthesis in Omnisphere, great for a loop
Doomsday Synth Drone
An elongated sinister drone hinting at impending doom, synthesized in Pro Tools, spectral layering with Reaktor Pro 250
Ethereal Whispering Ambience Loop
Subtle, unsettling whisper-like ambience created using spectral morphing and reverb, produced in Logic Pro X, suitable for a loop.
Echoing Dissonant Hallway Clang
Sudden, dissonant clang reverberating in a large empty hallway, captured with a Neumann KMS 105
Eerie Resonant Screeching Echo
Suspenseful eerie screech, processed in Ableton using Delay and Reverb Plugins for extra resonance
Ethereal Theremin Whispers
Subtle, haunting melody played on a theremin, recorded using a Zoom H6 in isolated environment
Eerie Reversed Whisper Soundscape
Sinister whispering soundscape composed from layered reversed vocal samples, processed in Ableton Live