A list of Sound Effects that you can enjoy for improving your Videos, Apps and Games ! Free to download !
Clip-clop of horse hooves on cobblestone, microtonically balanced utilizing the Zoom H6 recorder
Horse neigh resonating across an open field, captured using a Tascam HDP 2 on 6-2
Sound of hooves pounding on a dirt track, recorded on a SARAMONIC wireless stereo micro
Sound of galloping horse hooves coming near and then away, recorded at a country fair using Rode NT4
Sound of hooves stomping and kicking up dust in an open field, recorded in Rode Lavalier GO
Neighing sound of a horse in an open field, captured with Rode NT1-A microphone
Horse gallop across a sandy beach, capturing the spray of sand, recorded at Playa Salguero, Santa Marta, Colombia, with a Tascam DR-40
Horse neighing in an open field, recorded using RODE NTG4+ microphone
Horse neighing echoing across a wide field, Recorded by SONY STEREO DICTAPHONE
Whinnying horse, recorded on a Sennheiser MKH 8060
Sound of hooves clopping on cobblestones recorded at night Manehattan, Sony PCM M10
Hooves galloping on a dry gravel path, Marblehead, MA, Recorded using a Zoom H5 at 96kHz, 24bits
Horse hooves galloping briskly on compact dirt, recorded in a stable with Alesis AM61
Whinny of a stallion echoing in an open field, recorded with Zoom H6 Handy Recorder
Rhythmic clop of horse hooves on a dirt path, captured in the serene countryside using a RODE NT1 microphone
Horse neighing, field area recording with Rode NTG-3
Clip-clop sound of horseshoes hitting pavement, recorded with a Tascam DR-40 near Seattle's downtown streets
Horse's distinct neigh echoing in an open field, captured using Rode NTG3
Horse neigh rising in pitch, sounding joyful and energetic.
Soft trotting sound in tall grass, recorded at dawn on a Nikon D4 with Tentacle Sync timecode in Alberta, Canada
Rhythmic march of horses along a wooded trail, recorded under dense tree cover in Sedona, Arizona, using Rode NTG2
Rustling sound of hay being chewed by a horse, recorded with the DPA 4060 Condenser Microphone at a countryside barn
The steady clip-clop of a trotting horse along a dirt path recorded with a Tascam HDP 2 on 6-2
Heavy sprint of hooves on a wooden bridge, using Rode VideoMic NTG for capture.
Trotting of a horse on a gravel path in some quiet woods, recorded with a Zoom H5 Handy Recorder.
Snorting sound of a horse exhaling through its nostrils, captured outside Washington Stables with a Zoom H4N Pro
Horse hooves clopping rhythmically on a dirt path, recorded using a Sennheiser MKH50
Horse neighing with a slight echo effect, Rode NT1-A microphone
Soft clop of horse hooves moving through a patch of dry grass in Montana recorded with a Zoom H4n Pro, capturing distant ambient noises
Gentle sound of horse hooves muffled by sandy beach terrain near Fistral Beach, Newquay recording made with SD MixPre-3
Crescendo of stomping hooves transitioning from trotting to canter, Sennheiser e606 dynamics
Horse trotting gently through grass, Playa Salguero, Santa Marta, Colombia
Galloping sound of horse hooves on a dirt pathway, captured with a Rode NTG3 in Sonoma Valley
Hooves pounding across a dirt path, gradually building and fading, field-recorded with TASCAM DR-70D at Sycamore Grove Park
Galloping hooves landing in quick succession, captured in a grassy field using Rode NTG2 boom mic
Horse neighing energetically while in a field, captured with the Dutchmade Lavalier Ac4U mic set
Gallop of a horse over hard ground, captured with Rode NTG3 in open prairie near Broken Bow, Nebraska
Horsehoof clip-clop on a wooden stable floor, recorded using a Zoom H5 Handy Recorder
Moderate gallop sound of hooves on a grass field, through DPA 4060 omnidirectional.
Sound of horse hooves trotting on a cobblestone path, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge, Washington, recorded with Sanken CMS-2 Ambi-Channel stereo mic
Lively sound of a horse trotting on dirt trail, captured at Calico Basin, Nevada with Zoom H6 portable recorder
The rhythmic clop of horse hooves on a dirt path, recorded with a Tascam DR-40, Klondike Farms, Lyons, OR
Ceaseless gallop of hooves on cobblestones, recorded on a Kravis C440 microphone on River Street, Savannah, Georgia, providing vividness.
Horse neighing echoing in an open field, captured with a Tascam DR-40 recorder
Galloping horse on dirt path, captured at Red Rock Canyon using a Shure MV88 iPhone Mics
Gentle sound of hooves striking against cobblestone, recorded at Plaça Reial, Barcelona with Zoom H6
Rhythmic, thunderous galloping with distinct claps, recorded at a countryside meadow with a Shure VP88
Horse neighing sound recorded in a grassy meadow using Rode NTG5 directional microphone
Galloping of a horse across a dirt path with hoof impacts, captured at a stable in upstate New York with a Zoom H6 Recorder.
Gentle whinny of a horse echoing across a valley, recorded using a Zoom H5 Recorder in Derbyshire, England
Rhythmic galloping of a horse across a sandy terrain, captured with a Shure VP83F LensHopper
Rhythmic clopping of hooves on a wooden surface, captured with a Neumann U87 Ai microphone
A horse neighing, recorded with a custom windshield setup Q8 studios, Berlin
Sound of a horse's hooves impacting on grass, recorded in Dorset, United Kingdom, using Sony PCM-D100
Sound of horseshoes clacking against cobblestones, capturing the authentic ambience with a Zoom H6 Handy Recorder
Multiple hooves clattering over cobblestones, instinct in urban ambiance, recorded by Sony PCM-M10.
Clip-clop sound of a horse's hooves on a dirt path, recorded with Zoom H4n Pro
A singular horse neigh echoed in the expanse of a stable pasture, recorded with a Tascam DR-40X